The Reverand Doctor William Henry “Hal” Todd, Jr. ’63, 71, of Montreat, N.C., died on Dec. 16, 2012, at the Keever Solace Center in Asheville, N.C. Todd was born on April 21, 1941, in Travelers Rest, S.C., to William Henry “Hal” Todd 1910 and Mattie Mathews. In 1957, while serving on Presbyterian Synod Youth Council, he met Mary Nell Nabers, PO Box 159, Montreat, NC 28757-0159, whom he married in 1964. Together they have two sons, Christopher ’90 and David ’92. Christopher and his wife Christy have two children, Mary Nell and Joe, and David and Betsey [Boshell Todd] ’93 are the parents of Noah, Samuel, and Grace. Todd proudly graduated from Davidson in 1963. While there he was named to Who’s Who in American Colleges and Universities and served as editor of the yearbook. An English major, Todd appreciated literature and enjoyed writing. After graduating, he edited the notes of the Class of 1963 for 50 years. In 2003, Davidson honored Todd with the Alumni Service Award for his lifelong service to Davidson. He received a bachelor’s of divinity at Union Seminary in Richmond and was ordained to the ministry in the Presbyterian Church. He held pastorates at the Little Chapel on the Boardwalk in Wrightsville Beach, N.C., at First Presbyterian Church in Greenville, Miss., and at First Presbyterian Church in Dalton. From 1990 to 2000, he served as vice president of development at Union Seminary, and afterward he became vice president of institutional advancement at American University in Cairo, Egypt. Prior to his retirement from active ministry, he served interims at Eastminster Presbyterian Church in Columbia, S.C., and at Howard Memorial Presbyterian Church in Tarboro, N.C. After retiring to Montreat, he advised the Session of the Montreat Presbyterian Church U.S.A. to continue the ministry of that congregation. Todd served with distinction on the board of trustees at Presbyterian College in South Carolina and was honored with a doctor of divinity degree. He also served on the board of trustees at Columbia Theological Seminary. A Renaissance man, Todd was a patron of the arts. He appreciated opera, literature, international travel, art, music, fine cuisine, and golf. He held leadership positions on opera and symphony boards and was a member of Rotary. Memorial gifts may be made to The Davidson Trust at Davidson College, Box 7174, Davidson, NC 28035-7174.