Daniel Patrick McGeachy III ’51

Daniel Patrick McGeachy III, 86, of Hermitage died December 13, 2015, after a short illness and a long, full life. He was born in Atlanta, GA and grew up in Monroe, NC and Clearwater, FL.

A life-long learner, he received degrees from Davidson College in NC, Union Theological Seminary in Richmond, VA, and San Francisco Theological Seminary.

He was a Presbyterian minister from a long line of ministers and served congregations in Sylva, NC; Gainesville, GA; and several in the Nashville, TN area, including Westminster Presbyterian, Rockvale Cumberland Presbyterian, Downtown Presbyterian, and most recently New Hope Presbyterian.

He was passionate about social justice, the environment, liturgical renewal, poetry, music, and ministering to the homeless, prisoners, and all those living on the margins.

He authored numerous books and helped create many organizations that served others, including Project Return, Penuel Ridge Retreat Center, and several urban ministry programs.

He was preceded in death in 2011 by his wife of 59 years, Alice Neely McGeachy.

He’s survived by his three children and their families: Dan McGeachy of Donelson, TN; Liz McGeachy and Tim Marema and Walker and Graham Marema of Norris, TN; and Martin McGeachy and Cindy Kosacz McGeachy and Rebekah and Rachel McGeachy of Carmel, NY; as well as many other loving friends and relatives.

A memorial service will be held at Downtown Presbyterian Church in Nashville on Saturday, January 2, 2016, at 10:00 a.m. followed by a reception.

Those wishing to honor his memory may consider reaching out to someone in need, enjoying the starry night sky, making a donation to Penuel Ridge Retreat Center, or shouting a heartfelt “Hallelujah!”


Published in Tennessean on Dec. 20, 2015