Alexander Fairley Goley ’52, of Burlington, N.C., died Aug. 24. He was born July 7, 1930, in Graham, N.C. He was the son of Dr. Willard Coe Goley and Eugenia Fairley Goley who are both deceased. His grandparents were Dr. William Rankin Goley and Louisa Coe Goley of Alamance County. He was a graduate of Graham High School, Davidson, and the UNC School of Medicine. Alex was an intern, resident, and a fellow at Yale Medical School. As a captain in the U.S. Army, he was stationed at Walter Reed Army Institute of Research for two years. He practiced internal medicine in Burlington, N.C., was certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine in 1963 and 1974, and was elected to fellowships in the American College of Physicians. He was married to Sallie Cook Boren of Greensboro, N.C. Sallie died Mar. 11, 1997. They had 39 wonderful years together. Alex is survived by his three children, William Rankin Goley (Kelly Weaver Goley), 4135 Cornwallis Camp Dr., Charlotte, N.C.; Daniel Boren Goley (Helen Sumerell Goley); and Clare Goley Palumbo (John Patrick); six grandchildren, Alex, Patrick, Gray, Rachel, Clay, and Sallie Anna; a brother, Willard Coe Goley, Jr. (Mary Ann); a sister, Eugenia Goley Pruitt (Dr. Ronald A. Pruitt); and a sister-in-law, Lynn Boren Chandler (Thomas E. Chandler). Alex was inducted into the honorary medical fraternity, Alpha Omega Alpha. He served as chief of staff of Alamance County Hospital. He was an active and loyal member of Front Street United Methodist Church, where he served as chairman of the board of trustees, chairman of the finance committee, and president of Methodist Men. He served on the board of advisors of Wachovia Bank, was an assistant clinical professor of medicine at UNC School of Medicine, and was a member of the admissions committee for the UNC School of Medicine. He served on the board of visitors of Elon University and the parents’ council of Wake Forest University. He was president of the Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity at Davidson. He was a director of Tower Mills and the Alamance Historical Museum. Lastly, he served on the executive board and also the Eagle Board of the Old North State Council of the Boy Scouts of America. He was an Eagle Scout and was always supportive of scouting.