Thomas Allen Little, Jr. ’49 of Chapel Hill, N.C. died June 10, 2005. He attended Davidson College and then went on to graduate with a B.A. from UNC Chapel Hill in 1950. He received a B.D. from Union Theological Seminary in Richmond, Va. He did graduate work at St. Mary’s College at the University of St. Andrews, Scotland. He earned an STM at Lutheran Seminary, Gettysburg, Pa., and was involved with graduate studies in English at the UNC Chapel Hill. He served pastorates in Sykesville and Baltimore, Md., Charlotte, and Southport, N.C. Surviving are his wife Shirley, 104 Cedar St., Chapel Hill, N.C. 27517; son, Thomas A. Little III of Chapel Hill; daughter Nancy Alexander Day of Carrboro; sister, Martha Hunter of Sea Island, Ga.