Donald Follmer, Jr. ’61

Donald Follmer, Jr., 71, of Brevard, N.C., died at home Aug. 15. He was born on Sept. 30, 1939, in Charlotte, N.C., to the late Grace McPhail Follmer and Donald Follmer.

Follmer attended Davidson and was a graduate of St. Andrews Presbyterian College in 1962 with a B.A. in history. While at college, he was a member of the SAE fraternity. Follmer began his career as a journalist with the High Point Enterprise.

After moving to Virginia, he continued writing for the local newspapers and contributed articles to a number of major newspapers and publications, including Equus Magazine and the New York Times. In addition, he co-authored the books, The Endless Chucker (1978) and Write Right (1996).

While in Virginia, his love for horses and dogs brought him professional status as a trainer, and for five years he was huntsman for the Moore County Hunt in Southern Pines, N.C.

His talent for journalism and his interest in politics led to his appointment as spokesman for the N.C. Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources in the 1980s and early 1990s.

He was later press secretary for the N.C. House Leadership in Raleigh until 1996, when he retired to Brevard.

He was an honorary member of the Grouse Hilton Hunting and Fishing Club. Follmer was never happier than when he was outdoors. He was an avid hunter and fisherman. He was a voracious reader and raconteur.

Follmer is survived by his wife, Jane Coleman Follmer, 17 Resada Dr., Brevard, NC 28712-9400; by her daughter, Brenna Baumeister (David) and their children, Hannah Grace and Eliza Brooks; by her son, William Marshall “Mark” Gilbert III (Tia) and their children, William Zachery, Justin Edward, and William Marshall Gilvert IV; by his sister, Katherine Genois (Edward); by his aunt, Elizabeth McPhail (late husband, Ernest Frederick McPhail ’35); and his faithful cats, Princess Run Amok and Porter Williams.