John Borden Evans ’50 died Jan. 29 at his home in Davidson, N.C. His legacy reflects his deep passion and commitments to family and friends, Christian faith and stewardship, race relations, higher education, ecumenism, and world peace. He was born at home on May 12, 1929, in Laurinburg, N.C., the third child of Anne Livingston Borden Evans and Erasmus Hervey Evans. After graduating from Davidson, he attended Yale University and graduated from Union Theological Seminary (Va.) in 1954, the year he was ordained as minister of word and sacrament. His first call was to Second Presbyterian Church, Charleston, S.C., the city where he met his bride, Peggy. He also attended the University of Edinburgh for graduate studies. His life and ministry included teaching Bible at Davidson and pastorates in Auburn, Ala., where he was deeply involved in the civil rights movement, and later in Chatham, Va. Through the 1960s and 1970s, he served as an executive officer for the Presbyterian Church with posts in Richmond, Va., with the Board of Christian Education, and the General Assembly Mission Board in Atlanta, Ga. From 1988-1994, he led New Harmony Presbytery in Florence, S.C., in an important season of race relations, reconciliation, and renewal. Other important ministry positions included philanthropic work with the National Council of Churches and southern, black colleges, and as a pastor in New Zealand. He retired to Davidson in 1994. In his retirement, he served as interim pastor for Presbyterian churches in the Carolinas. Throughout his life, he served as a trustee for Woodberry Forest School (Va.), Montreat (N.C.), Union Seminary (Va.), and Presbyterian School of Christian Education. He served numerous years on committees and in leadership for the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). He also served on the board and as chairman of Jarvie Commonweal Services, helping senior citizens in the New York City area. He was a member of Providence Presbytery in South Carolina. Siblings include Erasmus Hervey Evans, Jr. (deceased), Ann Evans McIver, McNair Evans (deceased), and Murphy Evans. He is survived by his wife of nearly 54 years, Margaret “Peggy” Wier Evans, 148 Morrison Hill Rd., Davidson, NC 28036; their five children and spouses, John Evans, Jr. ’79 (Beth Neville), Alex Evans ’80 (Ginger Taylor Evans ’80), David Evans ’82 (Becky), Margaret Evans Goode ’83 (Mike ’83), and Edwin Evans ’85 (Jill). He is also survived by grandchildren, Eliza, Patrick, Jason, Sandy Evans ’05, Kate Dahl Evans ’05, Mary Katherine Evans Rordam ’07, Gardner Rordam ’07, Ginny Evans ’11, Ben, Matthew, Carly, Molly, Wilson, Sam, and Nathan. Memorial contributions may be made to Davidson College Presbyterian Church, P.O. Box 337, Davidson, NC 28036.