W. Clayton Edwards ’69

W. Clayton Edwards ’69, associate vice chancellor for the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville, died January 7, 2007. He raised money for the university for almost nine years, but his legacy will affect generations to come. Clay joined UA in November 1998 and was “pivotal” in the university’s Campaign for the 21st Century. Money from the campaign benefited UA in a variety of ways, including scholarships, endowed professorships and new building projects. With more than twenty years of experience, he was a mentor to students and young staff members. He previously served as director of regional and university programs at Penn State University. From 1988 to 1996, he was director of development and alumni relations for Penn State’s College of Arts and Architecture, raising $ 11.6 million. He worked for the Shreveport Symphony Orchestra from 1983 to 1988, creating the symphony’s first development office and doubling fundraising efforts there. Survivors include his wife of twenty-four years, Sandy Keiser Edwards, 964 E. Arlington Ter., Fayetteville, Ark. 72701-2229, who also has the title of UA vice chancellor of university development.