Michael “Mike” Myers ’53 of Charlotte, who tirelessly promoted Central Piedmont Community College in Charlotte for more than 20 years, died December 3, 2006. From 1953-57, he served as a lieutenant in the U.S. Navy. He then worked in sales for Package Products/Engrah until 1974, when he joined Central Piedmont Community College as director of continuing education. He later became director of public information for special projects until his retirement in 1996. At Covenant Presbyterian Church, he was a Sunday school teacher, chaperone, and bus driver on youth trips, and an elder emeritus. He was a member of the General Assembly Council of the Presbyterian Church USA. Davidson honored him with the Alumni Service Award in 1978. He served as secretary for his class for thirty-six years. A decade after graduation, he began writing about his “classmate” Bill Edwards—a fictitious alumnus whose adventures continued for another 10 years. Edwards, a real estate tycoon, a father of triplets, an adventurer, even had a book drop dedicated to him at the college library before the hoax was up. Survivors include Mike’s wife of forty-eight years, Carolyn Myers, 3600 Cypress Club Dr. Apt 410-B, Charlotte, N.C. 28210; four children, Michael G. Myers, Jr., Charles Nelson Myers, Susie Sarkisian ’85 of Brockton, Mass, and Richard Henry Myers; five grandchildren, Evan Michael Myers, Anna Emerson Myers, Elizabeth Carolina Medaris Myers, Leah Rose Sarkisian, and Logan Michael Sarkisian; a brother, Henry Nelson Myers, Jr.