Carlos Lowery Young ’36 of Shelby, N.C., died November 24, 2006. He loved to tell the story of taking a cow to DavidsonCollege. The cow provided milk for the cafeteria, which reduced his college expense. He received the Davidson Alumni Service Award in 1976. A lifelong member of FirstBaptistChurch, he was a deacon and Sunday school superintendent. His strong belief for missions led him to serve as a trustee of Gardner-WebbUniversity, a charter member and president of Gardner-Webb Board of Directors, a trustee of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, a member of the General Board of the N.C. Baptist State Convention, a trustee of N.C.BaptistHospital and moderator of Kings Mountain Baptist Association. Before his health limited his mobility, he regularly participated in prison ministry. He was inducted into the Army in 1941, served as a major in World War II and was awarded the Bronze Star. He returned to Shelby after the war where he co-founded Young Brothers Furniture Store and Young Rentals while being very active in local, state and national politics. His dedication to helping others was a lifelong calling. He was a charter member of the Cleveland County Heart Association, the Cleveland County Cancer Society and the Shelby Junior Chamber of Commerce. He was a past chairman of the Cleveland County March of Dimes. He served on the board of directors for the Red Cross, Kiwanis Club, Salvation Army, and United Way. He was awarded the Shelby Jaycees Young Man of the Year in 1950, Shelby Lions Man of the Year in 1970, North Carolina Mental Health Association Volunteer of the Year in 1969 and North Carolina Citizens Participation Volunteer of the Year at the Governor’s Mansion in 1976. He had a passion for exceptional children and people with mental illness. He was a charter member of the Cleveland County Mental Health Association, president of the North Carolina Mental Health Association, member of the North Carolina Mental Health Study Commission, member of the Governor’s Advisory Council of Comprehensive Health Planning for North Carolina, member of the Dean’s Division of the Bowman Gray School of Medicine and recipient of the North Carolina Mental Health Association Volunteer of the Year Award. He was also instrumental in the beginnings of public kindergartens and special education in North Carolina. He was preceded in death by his parents, H. Fields and Nina Lowery Young; his son, Carlos Lowery Young Jr.; two brothers, H. Fields Young Jr. ’36 and Lamar “Buddy” Young ’39; and a sister, Kathleen Young Foy. Survivors include his beloved wife of fifty-seven years, Constance Champion Young; his son Steve ’79 and wife Marijean Young of Wilmington; a daughter, Anne and husband Bill Beam of Wilmington; a sister, Eloise Young Spangler of Shelby; and his grandchildren, Haley Chitty, Jeanna and Stevie Young; and Ali and Will Beam.