John Harris Morrison ’34 of Concord, N.C,, died January 5, 2006. After Davidson, he returned to Concord to join his father’s business, E.L. Morrison Lumber Company. Upon his father’s death, John and his brother Ed ’25 took over the business, which became a driving force of his life. He retired from the lumber yard in 1989 but continued as a daily advisor to the company. In 1943 he was inducted into the U.S. Army and he served for two years in Britain and France. He received his discharge in 1945 and returned to Concord and his family. John was known for his business acumen and was well respected by the local community. Fairness, honesty and respect for each person were values he taught by example. He was a life-long member of First Presbyterian Church where he served as deacon and elder. He also served on the board of Cabarrus County Savings and Loan. Survivors include his wife of sixty-four years, Helen Holt Morrison, 260 Eastover Cir SE, Concord, N.C. 28025; their children John Morrison, Jr., Hugh Morrison, and Margaret Morrison Hamilton; eight grandchildren: Holt Morrison ’95, Knox Morrison, Margaret Morrison, Hunter Morrison, Helen Collins and Jeff Hamilton ’05, Harris Morrison, Caroline Hamilton and two great grandchildren.